Teresa & Jim

Saturday, April 26, 2025 • Libertyville, IL
44 Days To Go!

Teresa & Jim

Saturday, April 26, 2025 • Libertyville, IL
44 Days To Go!

Our Story

Back in 2005 Mr. Slate (Jim’s band at the time) was out playing gigs and opened for Teresa and her friend’s favorite cover band Infinity. And while Teresa was not at that first particular show her bestie (Lisa, maid of honor and friend of 32years) said hey we have a great new band to follow!  Our love of good live music brought us to many shows and friendships were formed. Through the years Jim and Teresa kept in touch and Teresa and Lisa would attend live shows when they were nearby. 

Fast forward to 2022 and Jim decided to peruse Teresa’s Instagram and like all of the posts. This made Teresa curious as to what was going on since they had been connected on social media since 2005. Communication moved from Instagram messaging to phone calls to a date for Boba Tea. Three hours later we both knew there was a spark. 

The beauty of this connection is its very maturity. We aren’t teenagers fumbling with first love. We are two souls, seasoned by life's experiences, coming together with open hearts and a deep appreciation for each other's complexities. No need for grand gestures, just a quiet understanding and a shared love for exploration.

We are excited for the future before us, a vast, uncharted melody waiting to be composed. Hand in hand, we are ready to explore its every note, near and far, together.